Students receive free Beaverlodge Blades hockey season passes

Students in Beaverlodge, Hythe, Elmworth, Wembley, and Valhalla have been given a wonderful opportunity. Thanks to the generosity of Vapour Solutions, Solution Services, Bonnetts Energy, Vitality Raw Nutrition and Farm Boys Oilfield Services Inc., every K-12 student in the area will receive free season passes to the Beaverlodge Blades Junior B hockey games for the 2023-2024 season.


Blades Director Sarah Miller says the entire Blades organization is very excited to offer this opportunity to local students. “We worked very hard to secure commitments from local companies and I am pleased to announce that we have successfully achieved this dream.”

Miller says, “Through the support of Vapour Solutions, Solution Services, Bonnetts Energy, and Vitality Raw Nutrition, we have been able to provide 1520 elementary and junior high students with season passes. Additionally, Farm Boys Oilfield Services Inc. has generously sponsored 349 Beaverlodge Regional High School (BRHS) students for a second season. This initiative encompasses eight participating schools across three different school divisions in five neighbouring communities, making it truly a remarkable endeavor.”

Miller adds that it is particularly meaningful to offer these passes to the high school students. “Most of our local talent has either graduated from, or is currently enrolled at BRHS, making these students a significant part of our target demographic.”


Peace Wapiti Public School Division and the Blades organization would like to thank all the sponsors for this extraordinary initiative, which will not only benefit the students, but help strengthen the community by promoting community involvement, and fostering a sense of unity and pride. “The support from these companies, especially when it directly impacts our youth, is extraordinary and immensely appreciated,” says Miller.

To learn more about the Beaverlodge Blades Junior B Hockey Club and find this season’s schedule, visit their website.
